Tournament Results<br />Publishing Portal<br />for Bridge Clubs

How can I be a member of Vugraph.Com?

Please fill the 30-days free sign-up form in our homepage. You can use all the standart services in the free subscription. When your free subscription expires, you'll see a payment form in your administration pages. You can switch to standart membership when you fill this form.

How can we show our tournament results in our club's website?

You have two options to show your tournament results in your web page.

Simply put a "tournament results" link on your web page which is pointing to "" (Don't forget to change "yourclub" with your username).

Your other option is to put your tournament results in an "iframe". Here you need to prepare a blank tournament results page (you may put your menu and banner etc.), and insert the sample html code shown below in this page:

<iframe frameborder="0" src="" width="800" height="1000" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" scrolling="auto"></iframe>

Don't forget to replace "yourclub" with your username. The "width" & "height" parameters are the width and height of the frame containing your tournament results from Vugraph.Com. You may change these parameters.

I am using ACBL. How will I publish my tournament results?

First of all you need to save the summaries to a file. Here is a step by step description of what you have to do:

  1. Within ACBL, open the tournament you wish to upload.
  2. Type "SUMM" and press Enter.
  3. Choose the "Summaries to Text file" option.
  4. Answer "Y" to question "Save summary to file for ALL pairs in section".
  5. Type the folder you wish to put the summary file to "File location". For example if you type C:\RESULTS, ACBL will save the file in the folder RESULTS of disk C:
  6. Give a name to your file in the "File name" field. For example type RESULT48.TXT & press Enter.
  7. Quit the ACBL program, open your web browser and type "" to your address bar.
  8. To the "Login" part on the upper right corner, type your username and password and click the "Login" button.
  9. Click the "Events" link on the menu to your left.
  10. From the Events section click the "Add Event" link.
  11. To the name field specify the name of your tournament. In your website your tournament will be shown with this name.
  12. Choose the locale of the tournament, the tournament type, date, time and specify other information if you wish.
  13. Use the "Browse" button in the "Tournament Results" section to choose the summary file you have created within ACBL.
  14. If you have used duplicate hands in the tournament you may choose the hands file saved from your dupication program (i.e.Windup), and its format.
  15. When you click the "OK" button, your tournament results will be on the Internet!

I am using MagicContest. How will I publish my tournament results?

First of all you need to save the summaries to a file. Here is a step by step description of what you have to do:

  1. Within MagicContest, open the tournament you wish to upload.
  2. Choose "Report Contest" from the "Contest Menu".
  3. Check the "Text File" opiton and if you wish change the filename to be produced. Click OK.
  4. Quit the MagicContest program, open your web browser and type "" to your address bar.
  5. To the "Login" part on the upper right corner, type your username and password and click the "Login" button.
  6. Click the "Events" link on the menu to your left.
  7. From the Events section click the "Add Event" link.
  8. To the name field specify the name of your tournament. In your website your tournament will be shown with this name.
  9. Choose the locale of the tournament, the tournament type, date, time and specify other information if you wish.
  10. Use the "Browse" button in the "Tournament Results" section to choose the summary file you have created within MagicContest. By default this folder resides in "My Documents" with the name "Magic Contest Outbox".
  11. Select "Magic Contest" as File Type.
  12. If you have used duplicate hands in the tournament you may choose the hands file saved from your dupication program (i.e.Windup), and its format.
  13. When you click the "OK" button, your tournament results will be on the Internet!

How do I publish Lehman tournament results?

Because lehman module is an extra feature you need to subscribe for it. Then you need to have your program (most lehman programs are written in MSExcel) to be able to generate a summary file in xml. The technical details of this file is discribed in An example file can be found at This example file is generated from Excel by this Visual Basic Script. You may not directly use this script because your lehman program is probably different than this. But the logic should work for your program, you may need to change cell references and make some small code modification. If you don't have a programmer to help you, please contact us to write a module to your lehman program at a moderate price.

Can I publish a tournament result as a static page?

Yes. In order to do it:

  1. Design your tournament result page as html or txt and save it to your local hard disk.
  2. Login to and choose Add Tournament from your Tournament menu.
  3. Fill information about your tournament and other necessary information, choose the file you've prepared at step 1 as your Summary File, select Text/HTML as file format and click OK. Your tournament result page will be added to your tournaments calendar.

Note: In this method you can't publish individual hand records.

How do I use Online Tournament Registration?

  1. Login into Vugraph.Com, and click Add New Online Tournament Registration from your Online Tournament Registration menu.
  2. Fill the form by stating your tournament, automatic e-mail sending and information about registrant options. The options you can choose for a field are "Don't Ask", "Required Text", "Optional Text", "Required Selectbox", and "Optional Selectbox". If you choose "Don't ask, this field will not be shown in the registration form. If you choose either "Required Text" or "Optional Text", there will appear a textbox where the registrant can enter information. If you choose one of the selectbox options there will appear a selectbox which contains the data you'll enter by seperating with commas. Both Text and Selectbox fields have optional and required options.
  3. Besides the two customizable field for the registrant, there also exist two customizable field for each player who's to be registered. In these fields you can make them enter whatever additional information you require.
  4. Moreover you can be sure of the reliability of the registration by using the approvement of registration by e-mail and acknowledge registrant by e-mail options.
  5. After clicking OK, if you click on the name of the registration you've newly created, you can see "Online Registration Address" and "List of Registrant Address" and announce it on your site.
  6. You can manage the registrations for each tournament by using the icon right of the tournament name.